Ocean Nail & Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneOcean Nail & Spa



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559, Tompkins Avenue, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-818-8899
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6125287, Longitude: -74.0709726

komentarze 5

  • Wendy L Russo

    Wendy L Russo


    They do a fantastic job! Been going there for years & wouldn't go anywhere else! Although everyone is a professional who does exceptional work, Lisa & Tiger are by far, my most favorite artists! You just gotta love them! ❤💗❤

  • Monique Clemente

    Monique Clemente


    I was told about this salon and unfortunately I didn't have a good experience . Yes it's very clean and the atmosphere is relaxing , however the girl that did my nails I guess she was learning because my acrylic is uneven. I was so upset I didn't even allow her to polish my nails . I will never go back there .

  • en

    Mary Cutting


    Amazing salon. I’ve been a customer here for years. Super clean and the pedicure chairs are lovely! Whoever writing bad reviews must be mistaken or is having a bad day! The person below me giving one star last week saying Aileen did a rushed job, & didn’t paint the sides, should know — and see — that her wrist has been broken for a month now and has been in a cast. Be grateful that she could still deliver a superb job to her customers with a broken wrist. All the employees are super kind and considerate as well! And it’s important not to pass judgement :)

  • lena M

    lena M


    Horrible experience. Got gel manicure by Aileen and they chipped 2 Days later. That has never happened to me in my life. They usually last at least a week and a half. She was so fast with my nails... sides of my nails were not polished at all.... it was a disaster.

  • Charea Bryson

    Charea Bryson


    I chose this salon based on it's reviews. I went there, and Aileen did my nails and eye brows. PERFECTLY. no complaints. not to mention the place was neat and clean. Polished. I'll definitely be back. Thank you for finally giving me a great salon here in NYC.

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