Ocean Breeze Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneOcean Breeze Pharmacy



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1817, Hylan Boulevard, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-987-2525
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.585015, Longitude: -74.094142

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Anthony


    Worst experience ever at this pharmacy. The way th manager Jason spoke to me over the phone was unprofessional. Place will take your money and try to say your insurance don’t cover it when it does. Shady place stay away

  • LUANN Rutherford

    LUANN Rutherford


    I was treated very rudely by the lady Jeannie who works in the billing department I asked her could she help me he said no I can't not very nasty so I was very upset because everyone in there is there for special needs reasons so I went next to the manager whose name was Jason he was extremely nice and kind but there's woman should not work with people she should sit in the cage and be treated like an animal terrible terrible person she should have what I have in my life

  • en

    Larry G


    The pharmacist was rude insurane problem ask if I could slt there and call my insurance company and sit there snapped at me ok till 8pm then I would have to leave it was 7:30

  • en

    Klim Kavall


    Nasty manager. Doesn’t care to speak with you or follow her own policy. I would avoid as there are a ton of others around.

  • Daniel Rumbold

    Daniel Rumbold


    I would rate this place higher, but they're a victim of their own success. Wait times, both in line inside the pharmacy and waiting for perscriptions to be filled, tend to be longer than the big chains. While the service is quite good, it's not that drastically better than the chains. This isn't so much a knock against Ocean Breeze as it is a compliment to how personable the staff at our big chains are! In the end, Ocean Breeze stocks some drugs that CVS tends to run out of, making any wait worth the hassle. But for more common drugs, I would stick with CVS.

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