Oak & Salt Quality Goods i San Antonio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOak & Salt Quality Goods



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1320, East Houston Street, 78205, San Antonio, Bexar County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 29.4248285, Longitude: -98.4770162

kommentar 4

  • en

    Krista Lee


    NEVER received what I ordered and PAID for!! I ordered 2 Woodford Reserve Bourbon Smoked Sugar items and a Bourbon Barrel Aged Hot Sauce on 6/17/17. I received the Hot Sauce on 6/20/17, but not the Woodford Sugar items I followed up with several emails inquiring about the 2 Bourbon sugars, and was told on 6/26/17 they would be shipped right away. As of 7/18/17 and several follow up emails, I have not received the items, a refund, or even a response!! Terrible customer experience - stay away!

  • Emily Stone

    Emily Stone


    Cute local coffee shop. Great prices, good coffee.

  • en

    Leanna Miller


    Cappuccino was AMAZING!

  • Nick Wiseman

    Nick Wiseman


    Latte was awesome, hope to try one of their pour overs next time. Very hip vibe in an industrial feeling area.

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