NY STAR BARBERSHOP en Hasbrouck Heights




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440, Boulevard, 07604, Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-257-8836
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8694174, Longitude: -74.0701951

comentarios 5

  • Mrs S1N1STER

    Mrs S1N1STER


    The owner cuts my sons hair every 2 weeks and he loves going over there... best barbershop ever

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    Ahmed Khilji


    My family has been going here for years the best haircut you could possibly get I had to get haircuts from others when they were closed or busy I regret it every time because no one offers the same type of haircut as NY Star Barber. On top of that the pricing is amazing.

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    Very Berry


    My husband and son go there and they're always happy with their cuts.

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    Camilo Guzman


    I have been going here for the past 10 years, the barbers here are great at what they do and great people in general. I always look forward to getting my haircut and seeing the guys here. Definitely recommend this place over everything, they've never done me wrong. Just ask and they'll do whatever cut you need.

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    Alberto Paula


    Fast, good service, and no rowdy music (for those of us who just want a haircut). First in, first out (for those of us not on the "buddy list"). Barbers don't hold a cell conversation while you are on the chair. The price is right.

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