
🕗 godziny otwarcia

39, Sylvan Drive, 11742, Holtsville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-579-1120
strona internetowej: nypavingandmasonry.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8147451, Longitude: -73.0317467

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kristen Benish


  • en

    Robert Cucchiaro


    We had our old asphalt driveway ripped out and replaced by John and his crew last summer. (2015) They did an amazing job. It was a hard winter, but the driveway still looks fantastic -- like the day they laid it down. He showed us every step he took, how thick the asphalt would be, etc. The price was great too. Here's what's most important -- when John told he would show up -- he was there. He said he'd have it in -- in two days and he stuck to his word. I wouldn't hesitate to have him come back and do other work for us. We are VERY satisfied.

  • en

    Al Romanelli


    John and his crew did a great job. I had a very large project, a driveway, a patio and a porch. The price John gave me was right in line with other quotes, but he seemed much more equipped to handle a large work load, and he was. They had a lot of rain to deal with but still seemed to get the job done in a timely manor. John was helpful with the planning and made sure I was happy with the work through every phase of the job. I recommend NY Paving and Masonry and would use him again in the future.

  • en

    janice vanni


    John & his crew did an outstanding job on my front steps & driveway. I had alot of concerns having such a major job done. John explained each step of the job & put my mind at ease. Any issues and concerns I had were handled immediately & professionally. He is dedicated to customer satisfaction. Thank you John & crew.

  • en

    John Oconnor


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