Ny Insurance Brokerage Inc w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNy Insurance Brokerage Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

71-16, 35th Avenue, 11372, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-476-2025
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7506726, Longitude: -73.8943649

komentarze 5

  • lobid chowdhury

    lobid chowdhury


    Awesome customer service and support. And very convenient location

  • Shafeek Kalamadeen

    Shafeek Kalamadeen


    This is the worst insurance place I've ever deal with in my 18 years of being insured in NYC. This place is for Bangali alone. They are so disorganized and tend to show favouritism to their own countrymen.

  • Imu Vast

    Imu Vast


    very poor customer service in the world,they don't care abt customer,and one person name "qader" he doesn't know how to behave with people,he should go lga college to do behavioral course.please don't go the office

  • en

    Ash Man


    There service is below standard and the people work there act like they giving us visa to enter US. The guy name Qadir has attitude problem dont like to explain too much but wants you take insurance what he is giving you. Non professional and not have the decent behavior.

  • en

    Sadia Nawaz


    Everyone in this office is super friendly. If you’re a rude and loud customer, then you will be treated the way you act. Everyone has separate desks and separate tasks. Not everyone is allowed to do the same thing such as not everyone can take payments/refunds and not everyone in the office can work on accident reports. Please keep in mind that this is an insurance office and just as any other office it will get crowded. Know that, you CANNOT expect a different person to take your payment or handle your situation if he/she is not allowed to do it, it doesn’t matter what you see on their desk!! The office is constantly taking customers one after another which is why it causes delays in phone responses. Please don’t insult the employees who work hard from morning till night and even go out of their way to provide you the best service. This office provides a friendly environment and cheapest rates for everyone. They will help you in every way they can! It’s truly one of the best Ny Insurance Brokerage Inc!

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