NutritionWorks i Denver

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4155, East Jewell Avenue, 80222, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 720-556-3113
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Latitude: 39.683461, Longitude: -104.938412

kommentar 5

  • Lea Otero

    Lea Otero


    Rachel's expertise, patience, charisma, and personal experience are what set her services apart from other nutritionists and life coaches I've worked with in the past. Rather than adhering to a rigid, one-size-fits-all model, Rachel approaches her clients with genuine empathy, and offers regimens tailored to fit each individual's needs. I've learned so much in the short time I've worked with her - she's more than surpassed my expectations and I can't recommend her highly enough! If you're looking to improve your fitness, gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, or even just smile more, give this talented woman a call! She will change your life for the better.

  • en

    Mark Macson


    I was introduced to Rachel through a friend and we are so glad we found her. Great coach with meets you where you are at and helps set attainable goals. HIghly recommend her.

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    marissa page


    After having my second child I was struggling to get back into a healthy routine. I decided to take control and start training for triathlons. I quickly realized I needed help in figuring out how to fuel my body in order to get the most out of my training. That's when I found Rachel, and she has been GREAT! She has been coaching me to find the right balance of nutrition to fit my needs. Rachel is readily available if I have any questions or concerns and has many options to keep me going. I am so happy I found her, she is an integral part in my journey to wellness.

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    Cody Augusta


    In January of 2017 my husband and I met Rachel. In just three months, with her guidance, we have made monumental changes in our daily lives. It was my husband’s suggestion to finally invest in ourselves. He was ready to learn more about nutrition and had always enjoyed working out. Reluctantly, I agreed. I, on the other hand, had tried every diet under the sun; for at least two weeks. I always felt deprived and would give up. I thought I knew what I was “supposed” to eat, I just didn’t do it. I hated exercise and considered a long walk around the neighborhood good enough. From the beginning, Rachel went to great lengths to get to know each of us. She analyzed blood work and recommended supplements and nutritional changes. She helped me plan nutritious, delicious meals for my family, that never left me feeling deprived. She tailored training sessions to support our needs, both physically and mentally, that particular day. My husband and I have each learned how to strengthen and protect our bodies through her ever changing workouts. Throughout our journey, what has helped me the most, is Rachel’s ability to guide me as I figure out the “why.” Why wasn’t I eating the right things? Why did I hate exercising so much? Why was I putting my well being so low on my priority list. Her life coaching skills came from a place that showed me she was not only well-trained, but that she honestly cared. I could go on and on about the quality of Rachel’s work. Not only do I love the pounds and inches I have lost, but I love the fact that I have found exercise that I absolutely love doing. Everything from climbing stairs at Red Rocks, attending every kind of yoga class I can find, TRX training and even running! One of my favorite changes is my morning ritual. Everyday I wake up at 5:00am to practice yoga, meditate, journal and read. I take care of myself before my family wakes up each day and have never felt better. At this point, my husband and I are continuing training sessions with Rachel, eating clean, and pursuing our education on the art of well-being. No matter what kind of changes you are wanting to make in your life, Rachel will tailor your program accordingly. My advice would be to trust that you are in very capable hands. So... jump in with both feet and absorb as much of her knowledge and spirit as you can! Thank you Rachel for teaching me to “get out of my own way!" Cody A.

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    Darren Kanthal


    For the past 3 years I've been dealing with food sensitivities and intolerances that have affected my GI, weight, mood, and energy levels. After working with 4 other nutritionists that took an unsuccessful and cookie-cutter approach, I finally found my savior with Rachel. She took the time to understand me, what I was hoping to gain from our partnership, and also the unique make-up of my biochemistry by analyzing past labs I'd done. Her personalized and customized approach to nutrition, coaching, and training not only helped me realize my pitfalls and how to overcome them, but also how to make manageable changes that ultimately turned into habits. If you've been struggling with diet, exercise, and food sensitivities or even find yourself in a life-lull - I highly recommend reaching out to Rachel! She's truly amazing!!

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