Nusta Spa i Washington

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1129, 20th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-530-5700
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Latitude: 38.9045341, Longitude: -77.044478

kommentar 5

  • Tameka Moore

    Tameka Moore


    My massage with Diana was awesome, she did a great job!

  • Kevin Cumberland

    Kevin Cumberland


    It isn’t the biggest spa that I have been to, but they have everything that you would ask from a spa. I loved the sauna. It isn’t as expensive as the rest too.

  • Mariia Berezina

    Mariia Berezina


    We used the spa for bachelorette and really enjoyed it. Highly recommend!!!

  • en

    Marvin barahona


    I felt like royalty while I was at Cityspa. Everything works like clockwork, and the warm staff compliments that in a beautiful way, making you very, very comfortable. Even the prices are affordable, which is a surprise given the excellent quality. They go as far to give you notes on your body regarding knots and tightness and tips on how to work on them.

  • Kimani Sequoia

    Kimani Sequoia


    Do Not Come Here!!! Here is an outline of my terrible experience at this shady business. First I made an appointment to get a facial and my fiance a deep tissue massage. The spa requires a credit card to hold appointments which is customary. I made the the appointment for 12:30. A few days before my appointment the receptionist called and asked could we reschedule the appointment for 1:00 because they were super booked. Now that should've been a red flag. When you are paying almost $400 for a service you want good service and a tranquil experiences. If they were over booked then that's a sign that it's not about the customers its about Nusta Spa and their pockets. Second the day of my appointment early that morning before my appointment they charged my car for the services and I had no idea. There was a bicycle convention and construction one block up so we called and said hey we are in the area but we are running late. The receptionist said no problem. We would still be able to get our services. We arrived and the manager Tiffany ( she was helpful) and her tacky assistant ( very unprofessional looking, eyelashes falling off her face and some sum ripped up stockings and a very cheaply made club dress who was in desperate need of their nail services. Sorry you work at a spa for heavens sake) was smiling so hard. They informed me that they were overbooked and could only service one of us and instead of an hour treatment they could only accommodate 25min. I said are you crazy? I just got off the phone with you and you didn't once tell me this, I could have rescheduled instead of driving out here. On top of that, if you are booked then how are you going to give me excellent service? My intuition told me to call the bank because this was starting off bad. They charged me for my services at 9 am!!! After a lot of back I went to inform my fiance that we will not be giving this spa a dime. When he went inside, the receptionist lied to him stating that she informed me that we would be charged 35% for being late or cancelling. She didn't know that I was there. I walked in an my fiance was going off. I immediately went off on her, asking why did you just lie in both of our faces? You were on speaker, I just talked to you like 10 min ago and you simply said I could receive my services. You are a liar!!! Her mouth dropped because she thought the services was just for him and maybe I was just calling for him. She had know idea that I was present as well. Then I went off on the for charging my card. Tiffany took control and reversed the payments. What pissed me off is Ms.Tacky said something to my fiance and I had to let my bad side out. I work for a very nice restaurant and know customer service and the queen of cooling off situations. Some people need to just shut up when they are ahead. Anyway, I know this is really long but please take your business to Serenity or the Four Seasons. They are professional and you will feel like a million bucks afterwards. There is nothing worst than spending money and feeling robbed. This place sucks just read the yelp reviews

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