Нью-Йорк Сити Хаузинг Оторитис Ингерсолл Хаузес en New York

Estados UnidosНью-Йорк Сити Хаузинг Оторитис Ингерсолл Хаузес


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🕗 horarios

120, Navy Walk, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-624-7316
sitio web: www.nyc.gov
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6947618, Longitude: -73.9809499

comentarios 5

  • en



    If i could give zero stars i would. This place, along with 90% of other nycha locations are inhabited by the scum of the earth. Some small percentage of good people, but if you love being harassed, stabbed, assaulted, raped, or shot this is the place for you. But its not all bad! Because of the high crime, the place is crawling with cops so theyll be able to respond to your attack in a timely fashion but beware housing police are usually unvailable. Anyone giving this place more than the minimum 1 star is probably smoking some of the crack that runs rampant throughout these projects.

  • en

    Carlisa Jones


    I need house can any one help me with not having housing

  • Patricia King

    Patricia King


    I live in Roosevelt Houses, whenever I called for emergency services the Staff has always dealt with the problem Professionally, Courteously, and Politely. They have truly done their best for me, even though they aren't the ones that go into the complex to do the work. They put me at le

  • Vanessa Kennedy

    Vanessa Kennedy


    Overcrowded misinformation no place to put people the only people that can help quick and are stable clean Etc are couples n families....us single adults especially Caucasian? Get lost in the sauce..... prayers for all....I just need a clean safe home.....been sliced jumped twice two teeth punched out etc etc.....

  • en

    Arlene Martinez


    I love this place because it is so very beautiful

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