NTB-National Tire & Battery w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneNTB-National Tire & Battery



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144, West Loop 820 South, 76108, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-246-7330
strona internetowej: www.ntb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7588899, Longitude: -97.4795276

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Ramsey


    Only way to determine the worth of a company is to do business with them. I learned a valuable lesson today. I will not be going back to them for anything in the future. Tires I bought from them a couple years ago had the crappy stems put on that just started breaking off. Went to them to have them replaced and rotate my tires. Wouldn't you know it they found a way to charge me and they didn't even rotate the tires. Within 5 minutes the guy comes out and tells me they need to charge me for the TPMS sensors that were working before and then there was a stripped lug on one tire. They were the last ones to touch that tire. He didn't charge for the lug but still cost me $50 for the TPMS sensors. Nope no more NTB for me. Called back and got a sorry about that there was so much going on. Felt like a complete waste of an hour and twenty minutes of my life. I'm one customer that won't be going back.

  • en

    Scott Switzler


    Good service and selection. They offer many services from oil changes to suspension work. The crew is pretty knowledgeable and friendly. Free coffee n wifi. Update: This is the only place I will take my car to be worked on. These guys do excellent work. They are very knowledgeable and helpful as well as very competent. Have not had one issue with the work that has been performed on my car. It gets done fast and they get it done right, the first time. Highly recommend!

  • Marilyn 2.0

    Marilyn 2.0


    My daughter had a flat tire and these guys were outstanding they were quick and polite and went the extra mile to do what they had to do I truly appreciate them doing this especially on a Sunday awesome team

  • Angela Posey Destro

    Angela Posey Destro


    This place is awful. I had a low air tire this morning. I added air to it and checked all four tires at that time. There was nothing wrong with any of the others. Later in the day the same tire lost air again so I figured it had a nail in it. I pulled into NTB and this time I could see the nail on the passenger side front tire. I checked all four tires one more time, and only the passenger side front had a problem, and there was nothing wrong with any of the other three. However, once they got the car into the bay to fix the one tire, all of a sudden they're showing me a tire that's been pulled off, which wasn't even the one I had a problem with, and suddenly there's a nail in it. In addition, and I don't know how they could do this, there's a bubble on the sidewall of the driver side front tire which was not there when I arrived. I am convinced they shot a nail into the tire that didn't have a problem, and somehow made a bubble on the other one. Total rip off. I just purchased the car approximately one month ago. No way was all of this damage there when I drove up.

  • en

    Jeff C


    With my experience at this location I'd normally leave a 1 star review. They quoted me almost 1100 for a fuel pump. Said they'd have it done in 5 hours. It wasn't. They ordered the wrong part cause they didn't disassemble the vehicle first to make sure they were ordering the right part. So next morning I get a call telling me it wasn't the fuel pump. That it was the ignition switch. Which means they didn't do much diagnostic and just picked the most expensive job they could do. I talked to the store manager and he did go out of his way to fix my cost at the end of the day. I was annoyed but satisfied. Then I get in my truck to drive home and it STINKS!!!! of cheap cigars not like the employee smoked but like someone smoked in my truck!! Then on the way to work this morning I noticed they didn't hook my accessories back up to the battery.. let them do tires but don't let them so much as change a fuse on your vehicle. Obviously their mechanics are incompetent and they care more about the money than the customer. I definitely won't be back to this location.

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