Nova Bitcoin ATM i Daly City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNova Bitcoin ATM



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3, Serramonte Center, 94015, Daly City, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 844-668-2286
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.6709677, Longitude: -122.4710513

kommentar 5

  • Derrick Hatten

    Derrick Hatten


    Worst atm and customer service in the area. I have been using this atm since it first was operational. At first it was tolerable. Now its the worst ever and don't expect your btc to be in your wallet any sooner than 24 to 48 hours because they batch release and put the most minimal miner fees possible. Customer service is also non existent. Stay away from this machine at all cost

  • Jacob Roth

    Jacob Roth


    Rates are so-so. Way better than coinucopia machines. Easy enough to use.

  • William Buttlicker

    William Buttlicker


    Great ATM. Love that I can get Bitcoin for cash. Super fast transaction and great price. Will use again.

  • noah strait

    noah strait


    Bought some bitcoin and the transaction fee Nova paid was so stupid low (85sat/bit) that 24 hours later still zero confirmations. Considering how much they overcharge on the exchange rate and the transaction fees on top it's ridiculous to try and cut additional corners by underspending on transaction fees. Terrible service, should've gone to any other bitcoin atm in the city.

  • Caro De León

    Caro De León


    This review is only because de customer service. Still better to buy the crypyocurrency by your apps. Anyway, is my 1st time using BTCATM and it was a little hard... PRO: Daniel (customer service platform) was very professional. He even rebooted the BTCATM for me. CONS... for $1,000BTC= $109 fee... Also, it's linked to Blockchain which I do not use for the same reason "fees", but the experience worthed.. so far.

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