North Shore True Value Hardware Seasonal & Pool Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNorth Shore True Value Hardware Seasonal & Pool Center



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647, Forest Avenue, 10310, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-981-1013
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.629907, Longitude: -74.110685

komentarze 5

  • Margaret Walsh

    Margaret Walsh


    Considerate towards the customer. Phone courtesy is excellent. Have everything you need and willing to help you with your project. Parking is OK metered on a busy street.

  • Tom Berthelon

    Tom Berthelon


    Helpful staff and a friendly cat roams the store when you first walk in but leave it alone soon after, lol.

  • en

    Roy Gottlieb


    Gave me guidance on my plumbing project, and had the parts I needed. They don't have the wide selection of the big box stores, but the personal service more than makes up for it.

  • Spunky Sam

    Spunky Sam


    Great Hardware Store not many old time stores like this. Great woman owned business. The owner is a kind woman that always helps the neighborhood out whenever she can!

  • en

    Donal Breslin


    First off all over priced .i bought a water based paint well thats what the owner told me when i got hom i read the directions to find out it was not what i wanted so i go back to the store and was met by a rude wife of the owners she said that there were no refunds on the product even though they sold me the wrong product her rudeness was enough for me to just say to myself that i wont be comming back and will make sure i let all my friends know about this amall town store that could do with our business but there are plenty more hardware stores around your loss

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