North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences i Raleigh

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Forenede StaterNorth Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences



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11, West Jones Street, 27601, Raleigh, Wake County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 919-707-9800
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Latitude: 35.782182, Longitude: -78.639556

kommentar 5

  • Ben Taylor

    Ben Taylor


    Great museum for kids and adults. The top level has a recreation of a tropical rain forest, complete with exotic butterflies and a live sloth. There are also levels with dinosaurs, snakes, marine life, and depictions of all kinds of geographical regions across NC.

  • Kate Kennedy

    Kate Kennedy


    Definitely my favorite museum in the triangle! I love their wonderful collection of taxidermy, dinosaur bones, and amazing displays. Everything is laid out well. Going for a visit always makes for a fun day!

  • en



    Great way to spend a Sunday. Admission is free, but donations are happily accepted. Place is wonderful for children and adults of all ages!! Highly recommend.

  • en

    Meagen Brookman


    The museum has something for everyone in the family. Everything you're into: animals, human health, weather, plants, history, fossils, etc. It is AMAZING!!! We really enjoyed the living conservatory and the opportunity to meet the animals. Our little ones got to touch a turtle and a snake! Our personal favorites had to be the fossils. 😍 So. Many. Awesome. Fossils. We will definitely be back as soon as we plan our next trip to Raleigh!

  • CurbsideUnderwood



    Well the fact that North Carolina even has such a museum like this is absolutely amazing! I love how interactive everything is! It seems every year the museum gets better and better! And you would never know about one of the most delicious restaurants in the whole city is actually in the museum! And boy they really go out of their way to give you a excellent customer service! There is simply so many cool things to see here! Make sure you come early so you can see it all and have time to interact with everything because this Museum really requires an entire day to truly enjoy it! Genuinely a place that's fun for all ages! Did I mention it's free?!?! Oh and make sure you get there early enough to see the butterflies, it is totally worth it!!! As a science nerd I totally love it!!!

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