Nordstrom Fashion Show w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneNordstrom Fashion Show



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3200, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 702-862-2525
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.128236, Longitude: -115.172974

komentarze 5

  • Brian Eads

    Brian Eads


    I always receive good / very good service here. The only exception is when I was looking for a pair of shoes for a friend. I wandered around the women's shoe dept and no one said a word to me. Not that there weren't plenty of sales people standing around, they were just too busy talking to each other.

  • Ashlee Cordray

    Ashlee Cordray


    Came to this location in search of my Wedding Dress (Looking for something a little more low key than the gowns in a bridal store). I found a beautiful dress that had a few issues so I inquired about the ordering process. Vonya was so kind and helpful, she made the whole process so easy. Coming from an extensive background in customer / client relations, I truly enjoy when I have someone taking care of me that makes me feel like they actually care. Thank you for your help, Vonya, you deserve a big fat raise! ;)

  • Jay Brox

    Jay Brox


    My sister had to get a bracelet fixed. There was some misunderstanding with the price. The management handled it very professionally. My sister did not have to pay for the repair. For some reason they have sticky stuff on the floor that created air bubbles. So it was fun to walk on the floor and played with the air 😎

  • Richard Metzler

    Richard Metzler


    Generally a huge fan of Nordy but this store is very much geared to tourists only (which does make sense as it is on the strip) However, if you are local and have experienced Nordstrom in other cities this may meet your expectations. It is currently undergoing a huge renovation so maybe it will improve.

  • Joyce Balaoro

    Joyce Balaoro


    Despite the fact that they are under construction... their staff is amazing! Went in today needing a dress for a wedding this weekend, and Carolina immediately helped me out! She helped me narrow it down to a stunning & elegant dress, STEAMED it, and took me downstairs to show me accessories that would compliment me and the dress. I get so much anxiety when I shop, but today... I didn’t feel that at all! Thank you so much Carolina! You are the best!

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