Noches De Colombia Hackensack w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneNoches De Colombia Hackensack



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382, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-880-8400
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.890463, Longitude: -74.039384

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sage Mullings


    Great authentic dishes. Large portions and a great price. Seats are always available this place is huge. Service is rapid and consistent. Love going here for their wide ranging menu.

  • en

    Ash Pena


    Honestly - overall, the food, pricing and atmosphere is good. However, their customer service rates from fair to terrible. I’ve been here quite a few times and I continue coming back because of the food and because I can occasionally deal with the waitresses and their “I hate my life” facial expressions. Yet today (On a Tuesday, mind you) was too much to take in. 1. The waitress took about 10 to 15 min to come to our table once we were seated 2. Someone from my table had to literally get up to ask for plates 3. Our waitress never came unless she was called 4. On my way out I decided to order some baked goods. My friend and I knew they were in the oven, but paid in advance and waited for about 5 to minutes. Long story short - I had to get a refund or wait another 20 minutes because they weren’t paying attention and sold out of the baked good. Not to mention, the individual only noticed because I called it out. The manager came and attempted to rectify the situation (he was sincere and nice) but by that time I just vowed to not return to this particular location. Be warned!

  • Ronald Olaizola

    Ronald Olaizola


    This place is wonderful! Huge space! And the food is delicious. The drinks are great and they have a variety of different options. The waitress was delightful and the customer service overall was exceptional.

  • en

    Jasmin Flores


    I love this restaurant! Their food is delicious. The atmosphere is very welcoming. The staff are great and polite. The times I've gone to the restaurant have been on a Saturday and all those times, they've had a live band playing. Which was very entertaining. I've had a great time there!! Looking forward to another experience!

  • Brian Evans

    Brian Evans


    Food is good dine in is better than ordering to go. I asked for a fish order which is on their menu of Flounder and Shrimp with 2 sides the cashier couldn't find it on the register so he gave me a completely wrong order then as I waited patiently for the food to come out they asked what was my name I answered them then they just stood there doing nothing then another cashier asked what did I order I told them and my order was sitting on the counter the whole time so now my order was completely wrong and I waited longer because someone couldn't read my name on the bag my meal was correct but the Mrs order was not. So who do you think had to deal with the attitude. It was already a late dinner so traveling 5 miles 9 miles back was out of the question. Come on Noches if you don't know what I'm asking for verify it with someone that does. Happy wife happy life.

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