Nissan in New York

Vereinigte StaatenNissan



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222, Parkinson Avenue, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-447-3878
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.595724, Longitude: -74.0826151

kommentare 5

  • Ramon Tirado

    Ramon Tirado


    My wife got a great deal on a 2014 nissan rogue we have been looking for one all over the place and we get one write here on the island the sales people were great and very helpful I will definitely shop there again.

  • Francisco M

    Francisco M


    The best service center on Staten Island. Keep up the great work guys. Your Awesome!

  • I. J. Gonzalez

    I. J. Gonzalez


    I dropped my truck last weekend to have a couple of things looked at: 1) I asked them to listen to high pitch noise coming from the engine compartment. The noise was not present when I bought the car 1 year ago, they told me that all Pathfinders do that and that it was the power steering pump. 2) I asked them to rotate the tires. They call me on my cell asking me where the security lug nut tool was, I told them that it should be in the back with the spare tire equipment and that I never had the need to use it so it should be exactly how it came from the factory. They called me back to tell me that they couldn't rotate the tires since they couldn't find the tool to remove the tires. I've been working on cars since I was a teenager and I've done every type of repair on cars and trucks except for transmission work. I'm 37 years old now and with a family and don't have as much time to do my own repairs as I once had. So i find my self needing to take my card to repair shops more often than i wish. In all my years I've never heard a factory trained and dealership owned repair shop come up with these excuses. I leave it up to you, the readers, to make your own decision on this place. But from my experience I wouldn't go back unless I had no other option.

  • Chris French

    Chris French


    Took my car in to have something with the suspension fixed (it squeaks everytime I go over speed bumps). They told me after having it for over a day that they couldn't replicate the problem and to come back if the problem happens again...As I drove out of their driveway I could hear the squeaks! Now I wait until their next day of operation and call Donna Dimino (Customer Relations Manager) and she assured me she is "so sorry and that it will be taken care of", during my appointment someone will test drive with me to make sure the problem is replicated, "just ask for Henry he'll handle everything." So in good faith I make another appointment at 7:30am that Saturday. I get there wait 30 mins to get my car into the garage fill out the paperwork and then when I ask when will I test drive with them they say, "Oh no, we ain't test driving no cars today, it's black ice outside." So I told them Donna said Henry would handle this today, so he comes out and might as well have just told me to go #$*# myself, just reiterating what they said and that my problem isn't even major and to come back on a "dry day." So thanks Donna and Henry for being the worst customer service representative of any company ever! If you're looking to raise your blood pressure and never want to have another Nissan Vehicle ever again then come on down to this hellhole!

  • James Vlogs

    James Vlogs


    Moses munir was a great help nissan should have more people like this made me and my family feel very comfortable explain every question i hit him with thank you James farrah.

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