Ninth Street Deli i St. Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNinth Street Deli



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900, Shenandoah Avenue, 63104, St. Louis, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 314-664-3354
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Latitude: 38.6046055, Longitude: -90.206612

kommentar 5

  • Paige Eckstein

    Paige Eckstein


    Great service, comfortable atmosphere. The honey mustard chicken is amazing - such a perfect blend of flavors. The bacon really stole the show, though, definitely recommend anything with it on it.

  • Steve Jones

    Steve Jones


    Great food with nice selection, but slated to relocate in the near future (no date given)

  • en

    Matt and Lindsay Bartoe


    We love this place! Excellent food and remarkable service. We never have to wait long and the menu has so much to choose from. My husband and I pick something new to try every time we go and are never disappointed.

  • Brett Schrum

    Brett Schrum


    9th Street rivals Blues City Deli for best Deli in St. Louis. They have a fantastic menu, fast service, friendly staff, cool decor, reasonable prices, and a good chip selection (the peach habanero chips are amazing). Oh, and the line is way shorter than Blues City. Even at the busiest hour you won't wait long. They started serving breakfast recently, too, on Sundays. The breakfast sandwiches we got were just as good as any other on the menu. Can't recommend enough.

  • Brittney Tipsword

    Brittney Tipsword


    I've now eaten here a handful of times and each time I have been pleasantly surprised by the different sandwichs I have tried. The French onion soup is hands down my favorite next to their chicken and dumpling. If you haven't taken the time to try this deli out, then you should. Friendly staff, artsy decor, and fantastic food. You can't go wrong by stopping in to check out what they have to offer. The pick two option is perfect!

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