New York Sports Clubs i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNew York Sports Clubs



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113, East 23rd Street, 10010, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-982-4400
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7402328, Longitude: -73.9858415

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Valle

    Jorge Valle


    SCAM! Do not try their "10 day free trial", they will charge you the full month even after they tell you that you need to activate your account after the 10days have expired for you to continue using the gym. Not only was I charged the full month (I never agreed on signing up for the full month), but when I attempted to get a refund based on the information provided by the sales manager, they dragged the whole thing for about 6 months and at the end nothing was resolved. Very unprofessional the way Jeff Janos and Michael Hopkins handled the situation, telling me that I would get a refund, having me call endless times and at the end NOTHING. I'm also a sales manager and this is NOT how you attract people to your business. Fix it and do not let this happen to anyone else. If there is any hope on my case, I would like someone to reach out to me. I would like to know who the owner of this gym is...........

  • William Dinsfriend

    William Dinsfriend


    The gym was fine but when I moved they made me come in to cancel my membership. They said my membership was cancelled but continued to charge me for months. Not worth the cheap rates.

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    Shlomo Gelernter


    I have to say, I had a few issues with billing and had some difficulty with the issues being taken care of, until Michael Hopkins got on the phone with me. I was angry until I spoke with Michael, who kindly, professionally and courteously helped me and worked through the issue. At the end of the conversation I was blown away at how he turn my frustration into me being a happy customer. Michael is the type of employee that makes this place an enjoyable place to work out in. After the incident I started to pay attention to him, and how he remembers guests names off the top of his head and how professional he is. Good thing they had Michael working there or I would have cancelled my membership. Highly recommend this gym, and the location is great being conveniently close to many subways. I give the gym 4 stars but customer service thanks to Mike gets 5 stars. He being my manager, gives excellent service and attention. I don’t usually leave reviews but I made an exception for this case.

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    Fasutino Pichardo


    I'm there for physical therapy due to ankle surgery. The nicest people. They always have a smile on, always willing to assist. The place is clean and properly maintained and well vetilated.

  • Ali Vidler

    Ali Vidler


    I have to admit its gotten better over the years but every so often it disappoints. I tend to try and go at non-peak times and this gym has sent out many surveys and "comment cards"to ask how they are doing. This is the weird part, when I do comment or send my honest feedback I'll either get someone who says "So sorry, we will look into this"... thats normal. Or I will have someone who argues with me reach out which is a sure way to keep me as a customer! Great strategy! The update is that this location has recently become “elite” what ever that means. All I know is that you have to pay $20 more if you aren’t already on the elite plan. This is far more expensive but they did just upgrade the gym so it could be why. There are still occasional broken machines and not so great bathrooms.

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