New York Marriott Downtown i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNew York Marriott Downtown



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85, West Street, 10006, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-385-4900
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7095189, Longitude: -74.0146033

kommentar 5

  • Prashant R Hiremath

    Prashant R Hiremath


    Nice hotel. Good facilities. Has a good view as well from few of the hotel rooms. Good staff. Housekeeping is good. Enjoyed my stay here.

  • Sade Garvey

    Sade Garvey


    Marriot seems to be a company that only caters to men. You can tell by their cable channels. Honestly I don't ask for much in a hotel, but if I am here for work I would like to be able to watch things on my off time. There is nothing but sports channels. Just because you have lifetime does not mean you are catering to my demographic. I know it seems odd that I am ranting about the television channels but seriously it is pathetic.

  • Danielle M

    Danielle M


    Staff was extremely friendly and accommodating. The lunch was very good, but the dessert left something to be desired. All in all, the event went well although at one point, the toilet paper in the women's room ran out. When brought to the attention of the staff, they remedied the situation quickly

  • Alex Wallace

    Alex Wallace


    This is a standard Marriott. The rooms are clean and reasonably spacious. The views from the highest floors can see the new One World Trade tower. The tubs don’t have even bottoms, which makes standing for a shower mildly uncomfortable. The lounge has a standard breakfast which I enjoy. The restaurant is just a burger place and not nearly as nice as most Marriotts. They don’t have any breakfast buffet. They also in 2018, along with several hotels in NYC, started charging a “destination fee” of $15/night that comes with a $15/night dining credit. If the restaurant was better, such as the Marriott Marquis, I wouldn’t mind as much. I really don’t have $15 of food (burgers and fries) I even want from that place every single day.

  • en

    Kevin Spencer


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... The staff here really went out of their way for us right from the start. When we walked in the doorman was helpful with our bags, and there were two other manager types waiting to greet guests in front of the check in desk. They gave the kids foam statue of liberty crowns, they loved that. On top of all of that our room actually had a view of the statue of liberty.

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