New York City Police Department - 83rd Precinct en New York

Estados UnidosNew York City Police Department - 83rd Precinct


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480, Knickerbocker Avenue, 11237, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-574-1605
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Latitude: 40.6983251, Longitude: -73.9178693

comentarios 5

  • Noelle Carlson

    Noelle Carlson


    Awesome job!

  • Alexander Pinks

    Alexander Pinks


    Had a hit and run about 5 blocks away from the precinct and was told to wait because a patrol car would come by. I waited for just about 2 hours then called my insurance. My insurance told me to leave because the police weren't going to do anything being that no one was hurt. While I waited for 2 hours 5 patrol cars drove by and not one stopped. I called the precinct back and told them to cancel coming. I get a call back from the Sargent at the precinct around 12am (3hrs later) asking if I was still there because he didn't know I left. Apparently the person I called didn't note that I called to cancel. It's insane that it 3 hours after I called back to cancel, plus the 2 hours of waiting after my initial call to get a response and to check if I was still waiting, considering they didn't have it noted that I wasn't waiting!! They are the worst. On the bright side, at least I got a call back even though it was hours later...

  • Loft-Rooms-Spaces Video-Tours

    Loft-Rooms-Spaces Video-Tours


    Despite the crazy background noise the female front desk officer was very polite and took time to answer my complaint today @ 1545hrs (lost military id). Ooorah!!!

  • en

    Sam V


    Horrible they ignore you when you get there you have to basically be up in their face. Then they tell you to call back for your police report number in 24 hours and never pick up the damn phone. Definitely the laziest precinct I've ever dealt with.

  • Becca Jane Rubinfeld

    Becca Jane Rubinfeld


    I saw a group of four cops blocks away from this precinct holler at some women today across the street from where the two women where simply leaving the grocery store on Gates Ave and St Nicholas . Like immature frat boys, this group of male cops just could not help themselves. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that these cops still don't understand that street harassment is an every day reality for many women, but it sickened me to see them, among other things, setting such a bad example to the other men in our community. When I decided to holler back at this group of cops and let them know that I was less than impressed, their dismissal of my opinion and rebuttals only reaffirmed my first impression, that they were misogynist dopes. The replies ranged from dopey ("What, are you saying I am not hot enough to talk to women like that?") to patronizing ("Oh, you going to lecture me?") to the absurd ("They smiled at us!" (which, no, they didn't.)). I'm sure they see it all as harmless (and wouldn't that be nice) but I'd rather see them harass the hecklers than be the hecklers and harassers. As a woman I have been advised to ignore these kind of comments in the street as speaking out could put me in danger but when I see it coming from our local cops I have to speak up about it. I hope the 83rd Precinct will learn some basic rules for how not to talk to women in the community they claim to serve. If they are interested in learning about the women's perspective and how to make the sidewalks a safer place for women I suggest they start to listen to women in stead of hollering at them.

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