New York City Housing Authority w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York City Housing Authority



🕗 godziny otwarcia

787, Atlantic Avenue, 11238, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-707-7771
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6822409, Longitude: -73.9682349

komentarze 5

  • Linda Betancourt

    Linda Betancourt


    Good one

  • en



    I came to this Housing Authority location because it's close to my school and easily accessible from the train station. I walked in and told the front desk worker that I had come there to hand in some documents that are very important for my grandmother. I showed her my student ID from school but she did not except it, saying that it was not a state or city ID. How is it not a state or city ID if I go to a public school in Brooklyn? I called my dad and he told me to go back and try and get an explanation out of the security guard. I went in and stood in line. The front desk worker was yelling at another group of elderly people while I was in line. As I arrived at the front desk, the lady rolled her eyes at me. I questioned her about the type of ID but she completely disregarded my question. I asked her to speak to my dad, who I was talking to on the phone, and she swiftly said "no". Without letting me speak, she called "next" and then told me to leave. I don't think I have ever been treated with such disrespect. It's hard to imagine what the elderly people need to deal with, especially when there are such incompetent people right at the front desk. I'm definitely not returning to this location. I was there on March 19, 2018 somewhere between 2:00 and 2:45. Whoever was working at the front desk at this time, shame on you.

  • en

    darrell vanloo


    lookin for housing Darrell Van loo how can i get help

  • en

    Google User


    First of all I would like to ask who Brite idea was it to move all of the nycha residents who has section 8 from they housing management office to this place. That move was design to make a mess of residents rent accounts with false rent increase amounts. Why? To make residents go to court. To keep rent invoice at balloon payments balance amounts. To drive residents off of section 8. Because they all are angry that we get help from the government with our rent and they don't.

  • DR.Ghostface_Killah The specialis

    DR.Ghostface_Killah The specialis


    15 years on this waiting list.. u tell me please responced..gregory greene my real name@

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