New World Combat w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneNew World Combat



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721, North Commerce Street, 76164, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 32.767944, Longitude: -97.339288

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angel Martinez


    This training facility is a hidden gem! I recommend Francisco (Head Instructor) to any one that is taking fighting seriously. He is a treasure chest of knowledge when it comes to martial arts in general. I strongly urge anyone with desires of competing or learning the sport of Muay Thai to come to this gym. You will not find another instructor that compares to Francisco's expertise in the city of fort worth. Don't just take my post for it , please come by this facility to see and experience for yourselves.

  • Garrett Hadley

    Garrett Hadley


    Learn the basics and secrets of Muay Thai here. Hard work at this gym has a great return. Physical and mental skills that are not emphasized at other schools are what sets NWC apart. You will be provided with the instruction to reach your own individual goals, while being challenged to improve constantly. Not your average gym.

  • Jesse Rogers

    Jesse Rogers


    Wow, came here for spring break a while back, and Francisco is hands down the most intelligent Muay Thai instructor I have ever trained with, in the short time I was there he improved my technique ten fold, and the conditioning was better than what I am used to. If you enjoy getting a good sparring session on, they have some very talented fighters here who are willing to spar. If you are looking to just get into shape, what better way than learning a sport like Muay Thai? Most of all I cannot stress how intelligent Francisco is when it comes to Muay Thai, and I cannot wait until I am able to return to this gym.

  • en

    Nigel Hill


    Awesome fight training none sense, well versed fight training. For me.. this the benchmark to a fight training facility...u don't just get a hell of a burn, you LEARN !

  • Jose Antonio Tavera

    Jose Antonio Tavera


    New World Combat is the place to be whether you want to get a good workout in or you want someone to turn you into a top notch striker. Francisco is an amazing coach who will push you and turn you into an animal. I will say this though, Francisco runs a gym that is not for the faint of heart.

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