New Super China Buffet w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneNew Super China Buffet



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601, West Bell Road, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-424-1660
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Latitude: 33.6394533, Longitude: -112.081284

komentarze 5

  • Silvia Portillo

    Silvia Portillo


    I am usually a fan of buffets but this place was definitely a disappointment. The food was cold and barely edible. At least the soup was warm. The only thing that was half way decent was the bread pudding. We definitely won't be going back.

  • en

    Josetta Persinger


    It was okay, expensive for the selection offered. The sushi and dumplings were quite good. However the spicy chicken was not spicy and the clams were just boiled in the shells no seasoning at all. I was excited to see whole fried shrimp and even though the favor was good they were cold by the time I got to the table. No General Tso, no beef and broccoli, no rice noodles. As for the select of seafood not that great didn't even have fried squid but a sad baked fish that was flavorless was the main presentation. Again I did love the sushi and dumplings so I gave the at least three stars for that and its a clean friendly restaurant. I will still be on the quest for a good Chinese buffet in Phoenix.

  • en

    Sean Passano


    I go to this place frequently and I am usually never disappoint until last night on a Saturday. I arrive at 8pm and expect to see a busy place with the staff preparing for new customers. I am greeting by the manager with a blank stare on her face and no greeting. She places us in the middle of the dinning room, takes our drinks and walks off. We walk to the buffet and see hardly any food put out like it had been sitting out since early dinner or lunch. There were empty bins and no effort was done to bring out fresh food for the evening rush. The only thing I saw fresh brought out was Beef and Broccoli, that's it. I saw one guy keep fluffing bins with shrimp heads that nobody will eat. I paid $24 for a quality meal and the only good was the sushi, the food was sub par at best. The one thing I was expecting to eat the dim sum dumplings was empty. I gave the place a while to bring out fresh food but no effort was done on a Saturday. I like this place but was ashamed my good money got me poor service. I hope this is isn't the last time but such service doesn't deserve a second chance.

  • TEX from Texas

    TEX from Texas


    Been here twice now and not at all disappointed. The food is so fresh and the staff is friendly as all get out. From the got items to the sushi you can't go wrong. This is my go to buffet in northern Phoenix hands down.

  • Rob Watkins

    Rob Watkins


    It's not stellar but it's not bad. Today was better than typical. The waitperson kept my glass full iced tea and they took the check from the table when we were done. Food selection is good and varied.

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