New Hyde Park Car Care Center Inc w New Hyde Park

Stany ZjednoczoneNew Hyde Park Car Care Center Inc


brak informacji

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2050, New Hyde Park Road, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-328-3355
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7544556, Longitude: -73.6871145

komentarze 5

  • Godwin Mbamaonyeukwu

    Godwin Mbamaonyeukwu


    Giving one star is even giving them a little credit.. they ripped me off increasing the price of an alternator. Oblivious to that fact I went back to get my cat changed and they supposedly did it without the gasket. They also wanted to change my flex pipe and told me it cost 3 times the price it actually cost. That was when I discovered they were ripping me off. I pick up my car and took it to someone else who agreed to do it of less than half the price these human beings were requesting... if you fancy not wasting money or getting ripped off. STAY FAR AWAY.....

  • Julie Tang

    Julie Tang


    Hi If you get a chance to read this review (unlike me) please DO NOT go here... they missed a nail on my tire and charged me 15 dollars plus tax for just adjusting my tire pressure. I went to another place. I don’t understand these crooks.

  • en

    Gaurav Gupta


    as a taxi driver i was taken advantage of. my car broke down right behind the shop and they charged me 75 for towing And turns out the only issue was that the car needed to be reset by a push of a button in the back trunk for that they charged 2 hour labor. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO RUN A DIAGNOSTIC? WHAT EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT IS BENG USED? not for my job i was ripped off and not happy how long does it take to push a button? they knew i was vulnerable and had no choice and they screwed me over. the guy name is JIM who was the one in charge on July 28 2016 from 11am-12pm COMPLETE RIP OFF TOTAL CROOKS PLEASE AVOID DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR BUSINESS BECAUSE YOU COULD GET BETTER SERVICE FOR A BETTER PRICE ELSE WHERE.

  • Brian Zeidman

    Brian Zeidman


    These guys are the worst of the worst. Complete rip off artists. Brought my Lincoln LS in to have a coolant leak fixed. When I got the car back the air conditioning was blowing hot on one side. I have Geico unlimited mechanical breakdown on the car so I only pay a $250 deductible on any work that is done. These guys raped Geico for thousands of dollars to change the radiator and a whole host of other parts. I got the car back and still the same issue after they had the car for 2 weeks. They didn't put screws back into the bottom of the dash board and wires were left hanging out. After taking the car to the Lincoln dealership, the only thing wrong was a $25 thermostat harness had to be replaced and I was told none of the other work was necessary. These guys are crooks and have no idea what they are doing. They just want to take advantage of you. Stay away!!!!!!

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    Scot Bell


    just needed a state insp. Tried to sell me on 4 struts, radiator hoses, battery ,air filters........ really. So yes to what a previous review said: They are STILL CROOKED.. I've been working on cars for 30yrs so I know when something needs to be don't try to take me for a ride...Bottom line is I would not recommend. They get 1 star for getting my inspection done before lunch....

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