New Frontier Armory i North Las Vegas

Forenede StaterNew Frontier Armory



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150, East Centennial Parkway, 89084, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-479-1470
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Latitude: 36.2767554, Longitude: -115.13821

kommentar 5

  • en

    Orpheus Telos


    Freaking love this store. Massive selection of holsters, parts, accessories, and guns all at prices similar or better to ones at any other store. Staff was friendly and knowledgeable. They answered all my questions very quickly and in a way I easily understood. Definitely my go-to gun store.

  • Tim Dascomb

    Tim Dascomb


    Staff is always very helpful, good business overall. Sometimes I've been waiting a long time to see something or for an order to come in, which is never fun. Overall great place, great staff, usually my go-to.

  • en

    Andrew Teague


    I've traveled to dozens of states and drop into gunshops whenever I can. Some are friendly, other not so much. New Frontier was extremely friendly; sincerely welcoming folks, very helpful, and enjoyable to chat with. They also have a good selection and average or slightly better than average prices. I found some pistol mags for the cheapest price I've ever seen. I'll drop in again when passing through. Update 2018: I've visited a couple more times while passing through, and each visit has been just as enjoyable as the first. Inventory is still solid, prices are fair, and the staff are friendly and helpful.

  • Kayla S

    Kayla S


    I'm going to preface this by saying I am a transwoman. I have never had a comfortable gun store experience, ever. I'm not a novice, I'm not a first time buyer, I'm not one of those to practice improper etiquette at such a business, and yet I have been poorly treated just by appearance and likely affiliations. Many times and places they simply won't service me or give me the same treatment as others and I can sense they're hoping to hurry me out the door. When you couple this with the fact that I am giving my intimate legal information, I open myself up further to scrutiny and humiliation to those who may have initially not known, it's quite scary. New Frontier Arms came highly recommended and I made the trek across town to give my business. I was not disappointed one bit. Not only was their store clean, attractively laid out, stocked, and clearly priced, they also had a full staff of knowledgeable guys looking for people to help. I'm pretty sure, during my wait, I had every staff member greet and offer me assistance. After my background check, during the usually awkward closing transaction, I was politely and respectfully asked my preferred gender marker, and reminder of my acceptance there. I wish I caught that gentleman's name because he went above and beyond customer service and earned my repeat business. This doesn't even touch on the beautiful and superb local lower receiver I purchased. In my opinion, it's next level, and for future AR builds, I don't think I could use anything but their NFA product. They are immaculate in their products and service, even in my unique case.

  • Kustom Hooligans

    Kustom Hooligans


    I took my 20 year old son here to find a new hunting rifle for this deer season. We ended up with a Semi-Auto Smith & Wesson AR15/AR-10 M&P10 .308 rifle. We paid almost $200 less than the other 2 stores we found. The sales staff was friendly and answered all my questions and my son's questions. We took the rifle out to break it in and we can hit a 10" target from 530 yards away with a 3-9X40 Vortex scope. I'm very happy with our purchase and this is the store I will head to first when I'm ready for a new rifle next spring! Thank you!

nærmeste Butik

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