New England Periodontics and Dental Implants i Bethel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNew England Periodontics and Dental Implants



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2, Stony Hill Road, 06801, Bethel, Fairfield County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 203-792-2263
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.4166831, Longitude: -73.40242

kommentar 5

  • Grace Franjola

    Grace Franjola


    I encourage anyone who is fearful of dentistry to trust the skillful hands of Dr. Baxter and gain confidence in a painless experience . Her compassionate, positive approach to caring for her patients is assuring along with her talent and depth as a doctor. I recommend her highly , just as she was recommended to me.

  • peter r

    peter r


    Dr. Baxter is very thorough and caring as a doctor. I needed a tooth pulled because of bad root canal and she explained everything and it didn’t hurt a bit. Explained everything to me and made me feel at a ease. Highly recommended.

  • someinterest



    Dr. Cucharale and his dental hygienists are the best. After excellent oral surgery, have continued going there for periodic cleanings for years. Have seen little turnover in staff. Not sure what special circumstances were for unhappy reviewer, but we would readily use this office again for surgery if needed.

  • Cheryl Patterson Zaic

    Cheryl Patterson Zaic


    Dr. Cucharale is very professional and skilled. His dental hygienists are top notch. The offices and equipment are clean. The employees I have observed there seems to be quite happy.

  • Kurt Zoeller

    Kurt Zoeller


    Very professional and skilled. Not sure what the previous commenter was getting at . His employees seem to love working there.

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