Nepali Bazaar w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneNepali Bazaar



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4040, Saw Mill Run Boulevard, 15227, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-885-6171
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.367956, Longitude: -79.984007

komentarze 5

  • Sophie J

    Sophie J


    Very disorganized and the service is very poor but you can find a lot a fresh goat meet and vegetables.

  • Prakash Sharma

    Prakash Sharma


    Messy store

  • Ananda Chhetri

    Ananda Chhetri


    One of the guy working there is extra rude!

  • Roshan Karki

    Roshan Karki


    If you need Nepali masala like chicken masala or chowmein masala, you can find them here.

  • Ageless



    Surprise in the Nepali Bazaar – (A Market), on Route 51. Yesterday, Thursday the 29th of 2016 I had a business meeting with the owner of the Nepali Bazaar market. Since it has a Nepali flair, I guess you could call it; I was sort of thinking it was Bizarre. The market was small, cramped with customers and a few just hanging out in the market as well. So I took a stroll down the aisles. I was surprised to find each and every shelf filled with STUFF. Some I had no idea what the hell the product was, some looked brand new from the 1950's and to my surprise I had found some of the products I use constantly right there in front of me at half the price. I wasn't there to shop and I kept reminding myself of that as I explored each shelf. I'm not sure you are into shopping in a flea market style fashion in a convenience style flea market, but to my surprise, regardless of the distance from my home, I will find my way back there to explore the shelves some more. Needless to say the owner has some magnetism as well, very helpful and at the center of his community. It was nice to see the people hanging out in the market. You can tell a place has a function and appeal to those who just hang. LOL On a scale of 1-10 I'd say for the "Experience" it's a good 8 on an otherwise boring day. STOP by 4040 Saw Mill Run Blvd. in Pittsburgh, PA 15227 for a BAZARR shopping experience at the Nepali Bazaar store. 9a.m. to 7 p.m. today Friday 7/29/2016

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