Neiman Marcus i Honolulu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNeiman Marcus



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1450, Ala Moana Boulevard, 96814, Honolulu, Honolulu County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 808-951-8887
internet side:
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Latitude: 21.2903609, Longitude: -157.8437738

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Bice


    Customer service was horrendous at this location. We waited over ten minutes until we had to interrupt the sales associate from a personal conversation she was having with a friend to assist us with designer sunglasses . Her coworker could not even be bothered to acknowledge our presence until after we spoke with the other associate. Then the first associate tried to force the sale which is completely unprofessional. We will not be returning to this location again

  • Paul Hamilton

    Paul Hamilton


    Beautiful products, mainland & International appeal, at a good, easy access line location...

  • Andy Cheng

    Andy Cheng


    They close way too early. Should close when the mall closes, not several hours prior.

  • en

    Chad Ginoza


    Clothes to expensive and young for my taste. The restaurant on the top floor is pretty good. The bar on the second level is where I spend my time while my wife shops. I like the pistachios there. Selection of beer is limited, but it is a small bar.

  • Robert Dunn

    Robert Dunn


    Mariposa. Love the popover. Pork belly, 5 cheese platter and a warmed Remy XO.

nærmeste Stormagasin

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