NEA Federal Credit Union i Stony Point

Forenede StaterNEA Federal Credit Union



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35, South Liberty Drive, 10980, Stony Point, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-735-1818
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Latitude: 41.2253339, Longitude: -73.986124

kommentar 5

  • Leta Pegram

    Leta Pegram


    This branch is awful with customer service I need a copy of my e-statements. Here we are in August and the last statement online is from March they said I have to speak to a representative but no one answered the phone. I have a deadline and now I have to wait for someone to call me back.

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    William Donald


    The Bardonia, NY branch offers excellent service and friendly staff. Both on the phone, and in person at the branch, they are courteous, helpful, patient, and knowledgeable. Couldn't ask for more.

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    D. R.


    Terrible service, cant reach a person, no returned calls, a "fisher price" operation.

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    joan rudolph


    Awful! No one answers the phone! Cannot get my money ! Have been trying to get through for three days!

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    Kamelia McGarrity


    I received the worse customer service experience ever from the Greenburgh Town Hall Branch. I had an emergency situation and I needed to get to my money immediately. I made a call and found myself waiting on hold listening to a recording telling me that there is 1 minute remaining to speak to a person when I've been waiting on hold for 30 minutes. After 54 minutes went by I heard someone pick up the phone then slam it back down. That's when I realized that it was 3:54 pm and they close at 4:00 pm. I still tried to call back but then there was a 27 minute wait. So early the next morning at 9 am I try to call again and still waited on hold for another 30 minutes with the recording telling me there was a 4 minute wait. Finally when someone answered the phone and I told them what I was looking for she told me I had to speak to someone else and then transferred me to a line that just rang. I called back again and now it's 10 am and I'm back on hold for another 20 minutes and finally again someone answered. I began to explain the issue I was having trying to reach someone only to be cut off in mid sentence and was told "There's nothing I can do about that how can I help you". I immediately begin to explain to the person that I know that there is nothing she can do about it and that all I wanted to do was let someone know about the hard time I was having trying to reach someone regarding my money. She then let me know that I was wasting time and that she was the only person in the branch and I need to just tell her why I'm calling. Disgusting! I again tried to let her know that I'm not blaming her and that I know it's not her fault and even after she heard me say that she still continued with her nasty responses telling me that she feels like I was taking it out on her. It became an argument and I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere so I asked for a supervisor and she told me that she was the supervisor and that her name is erica and she told me which branch she was in. I let her know that I was going to complain. I then drove to the Greenburgh location to not find only one person like I was told but 2 people behind the desk and when I walked in all you hear is the phone just ringing like it was elevator music. On top of that NO CUSTOMER was in the branch so why is the phone just ringing. Anyway I let them know that I was the one that called and let her know I didn't appreciate how she spoke to me and says she never spoke to me with an attitude and again let me know I just need to handle whatever business that I came to do. The other lady that was in the branch jumped in the conversation and said she overheard the conversation and told me that no one was rude to me. I've been dealing with NEA for years and I would have never thought I would have this horrible experience. When I asked for information so I can file a complaint I was told go write a letter. So I took her advice and that's why I wrote this review. This lady needs to be addressed with severe consequences. Anyone that ever has to call any company and becomes frustrated because of the difficulty to speak to someone especially regarding their own money should be more sympathetic. NEA is a bank and everyone calling is calling regarding their money. She had no idea about whatever emergency I was having and she should have know how to respond accordingly. Very despicable.

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