Ncompass Construction LLC w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneNcompass Construction LLC



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6535, 35th Avenue Southwest, 98126, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-933-5961
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Latitude: 47.543682, Longitude: -122.376704

komentarze 5

  • Cynthia Slate

    Cynthia Slate


    We have two of these N compass DADU’s built in my alley. I am very supportive of density and DADU's as a way to get there but still preserve Seattle trees and single family lots. However, it has been a nightmare to live next to their project. They do not respect the neighbor's at all. They brought in a large excavator on a semi-flatbed truck and in doing so completely cracked our alley and broke our concrete pad where our and our neighbor's garbage goes, and even broke the old driveway pad where the DADU was being build. Of course, they fixed that pad in a day, but left my and the neighbor's pad broken. Several delivery companies that I have used won’t come into our alley as they say it is not safe for large trucks to do so-not NCompass when they can cut corners they do; Neighborhood and neighbors be damned. If your neighbor's contract with them be sure to take lots of BEFORE photo of everything surrounding the job area; trees, sidewalks, paved areas, fence-everything. They refuse to fix our cracked alley. In addition every time I tried to get out or into my own garage I had to get them to move up to three of their trucks. They were not unloading they just like to hang out in their trucks and eat, smoke, listen to music. Literally their trucks blocked me in and out from 7:30 am to 4:30 or later. I felt as if I was the one with no right to park on my own property. Even when I complained to the owners and NCompass workers, the N Compass workers just disregarded my need to access my garage and the next day it would be blocked again. The total disrespect for our access to our garage was from framers, drywall workers, plumbers, and roofers, that NCompass sub-contracted jobs out to. They started in October and it has been the worst experience ever. So often I ended up parking on the street (this meant bringing dogs and groceries in and out from the nearest street parking, sometimes half a block away). Can you imagine you have a garage and just could not use it day after day? As a late-stage cancer survivor this was incredibly difficult 5 months. Half the time I would return from somewhere only to have the three trucks back blocking the alley and any chance I could get into my garage, and the other half of the time out of frustration, I ended up parking my less used car in the garage and took the cold, frost covered car. Oh I forgot to say the worst part was the racist joke they tried to tell me. About whites being better drivers. I can’t and won’t repeat the “joke”.

  • Susan Hayes-McQueen

    Susan Hayes-McQueen


    they did an amazing job on our remodel. not on great work, but exceptionally clean and great people. all well priced. could not recommend them enough.

  • en

    A Google User


    We selected Ncompass because we had confidence they would build our backyard cottage with as much care and attention to detail as if we had done all the work ourselves. Stefan and Drew did an excellent job of meeting our expectations. They went out of their way to make sure it was built the way we wanted it. They and their whole crew were a pleasure to work with. When the initial foundation work took a little bit longer than we expected they made up the time by putting an extra person on during framing. When we decided at the last minute to change the air barrier design, they rolled with it and made it happen. I have already recommended Ncompass to several friends and would definitely recommend them to you!

  • en

    A Google User


    I have done two remodels on my house. The first was the lower level, and the second was the main floor. The lower level was done with a typical contractor that pulled an estimate out of his head and ended up taking twice as long and about 15% more than he had quoted. The second was with NCompass Construction. The difference was like night and day. NCompass gave us a 3 page estimate in detail for the main floor (which included a kitchen and bathroom). We were able to review each thing we had asked for and as a result eliminated some items that cost way more than they were worth to us. The NCompass team also had some very useful recommendations on alternatives that would get us what we wanted for less cost. In short, this is the first general contractor that employs true business and project management with their clients. As a result, our project was on time and on budget!

  • en

    A Google User


    Ncompass Construction has done a number of projects for us over the years, large and small. A couple of years ago they did a total backyard remodel including building a garage and alley parking area, all of which turned out brilliantly. And this past summer they did a kitchen remodel which went equally well. The thing that I love about working with Ncompass is their incredible attention to detail. They always take care to truly understand our project requirements in enough detail to do a very accurate cost estimate, and then they meet that estimate every time. And there is no detail too small for them to get exactly right when they are wrapping the project up. I would highly recommend Ncompass Construction for your next remodel project - they are a pleasure to work with.

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