Napolitano John i East Norwich

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1, Johnson Court, 11732, East Norwich, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-922-6868
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Latitude: 40.8446483, Longitude: -73.5337955

kommentar 1

  • Eva Grabo

    Eva Grabo


    i had a very bad experience with this lawyer. He represented me when I was the plaintiff/victim in the case against NYPD. I sued them, because the cops abused me and fabricated a FALSE REPORT after I witnessed and reported one of them dealing with NARCOTICS. For huge losses that I had suffered, I had to accept a small, unfair settlement, because my lawyer too afraid to reveal the truth in the court room, and a trial was completely unprepared. He did everything to satisfy the opposite side, then he explained to me: " You shouldn't go too far after the police, you may then experience traffic problems." And the cops keep proceeding with their unlawful activities with impunity. They abuse still new victims. I had to move out of NY to another state for safety reasons.

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