Napoleon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNapoleon



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1180, Bedford Avenue, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-663-3069
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.683859, Longitude: -73.954217

komentarze 5

  • Brooklyn Reds

    Brooklyn Reds


    I had a Baked Chicken dinner with Sweet yams and Mac n cheese. The baked chicken with seasoned on the top but dry underneath. The yams came freash out the can and the Mac n cheese was pretty bland. When paying, I was charged an extra $1 for taxes which surprised me because the waitress never told me I had to pay taxes nor was it displayed.

  • en

    K Lee


    If you want good soul food at a reasonable price. This is the place to come. I had the oxtails with mac and cheese and cabbage.. excellent. The meat was tender and seasoned well. I also had yellow cake with chocolate frosting which was excellent. The owners cook the food themselves and the staff are very friendly. So, if you are in Brooklyn or not. It's worth the trip.

  • Morgan Robinson

    Morgan Robinson


    Food is pretty great. Oxtails could have a more popping flavor but maybe that's just me. Arnold Palmer is addictive. Staff and service are outstanding. The wait let's you know the food is fresh! Fair amount of seating. I'll return! Chicken is perfect!

  • Steven Coleman

    Steven Coleman


    The chicken was hot, crispy and well-seasoned and the waffle was amazing; slightly crispy on the outside and super fluffy and soft in the inside. The staff are super nice and attentive. My new breakfast/lunch haunt on the weekends!

  • en

    Leslie B


    I loved the vibe of Napoleon's. Once you walk through the door, it looks and feels like a restaurant down South. You forget that you're in Brooklyn. They offer a nice variety of Southern comfort food, drinks (i.e. sweet tea, lemonade, half and half, hot tea, and coffee) and desserts. The steamed shrimp exceeded my expectations. The food was great and the staff members were very friendly. I will be back very soon.

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