Nando's PERi-PERi w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneNando's PERi-PERi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1005, South Delano Court, 60605, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 312-204-7151
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8697725, Longitude: -87.63232

komentarze 5

  • Moh Ghanami

    Moh Ghanami


    I go to this place at least one a week. You can't go wrong with their whole/half chicken and the sides. The Portuguese rice, Macho peas and mashed potato is just perfection and deliciousness. The staff are nice, very good atmosphere along with the African music. Bravo! We love you guys please keep up the hard work.

  • Eric Lee

    Eric Lee


    We went here for lunch after watching a movie at the nearby ShowPlace Icon and it was not too crowded which was great. They have a different ordering system in which you are seated first, and after that only then can you place an order at the counter. Usually the servers will explain that if it's your first time but if they're busy it can take a while to get seated. Sometimes the chicken can be a little dry but they have extra sauce bottles available and it can be covered up. Expect to pay minimum of $11+ per meal with tax. If anyone's down for a recommendation, the mashed potatoes side is pretty amazing.

  • en

    A HacK


    This is the third location of theirs I have been to.Chicken thighs were a little dry.Decor very nice except the background music was blasting.Service friendly and professional.I still don’t like lugging your own silverware,glassware,napkins and drinks to the table.Good quality ingredients.Parking easy and free. Awarded 1.5 YUMS ON A SCALE OF 3

  • Sarah Abubakar

    Sarah Abubakar


    Their food is beyond delicious everyone needs to try them especially if you are a fan of chicken like. Their 🍟 is amazing as well, I just love this place.

  • en

    Jessica Masbaum


    Everyone was friendly. Food was great. Clayton overheard us say we were first timers and walked us though everything. We'll be back!

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