Nails 88 en Bethel Park

Estados UnidosNails 88



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4968, Library Road, 15102, Bethel Park, Allegheny County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 412-851-6900
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.3431769, Longitude: -80.0271295

comentarios 5

  • Shatae Tarbell

    Shatae Tarbell


    I can't say enough about how great this place is. I've been going there for 10 years. They are all very friendly. I have never had an issue and would highly recommend to anyone looking to get their nails done. They also do eyelash extensions and makeup tattooing!

  • Alexandra Claherty

    Alexandra Claherty


    Not impressed at all. Got a pedi and it lasted MAYBE 10 min. The lady with braces really got on my nerves and was a know-it-all. Highly do not recommend. Go somewhere else. He left nail polish on my skin and did not even clean it off. Horrible. DO NOT GO HERE. You will leave pissed.

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    Samantha Groff


    The lady who did my nails was very sweet... although she for one did not wash her hands before doing my nails, after touching other people's feet. Which is really gross!!! She took way too long on my nails. I got a full set & two of my nails already broke off in 2 days!!!! Waste of money and time. I'm so disappointed.

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    michele repko


    Went there for the first time to get my nails done I told her to keep the same length she cut them short then she messed them up where they were sticking up words I went back to get them replaced they told me I didn't have an appointment I would have to come back later on that day I told her I couldn't she said sorry you need to come back I do not recommend She work too fast on my nails my friend I went with got started before me and I was finished with my nails and waited a half hour for her to get done would not recommend nails 88 to anyone

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    Jamie Price


    As a licensed cosmetologist and nail technician myself I was tired of the weekly routine of having to maintain and care for my own nails! So I stopped into Nails 88 over 10 years ago and I meet Jeni, I had her do a full set and a design. She was absolutely wonderful, very good and all services performed in a timely fashion. In the 10 years that I have been going to her I have only broke 4 fingernails. That's pretty amazing if you ask me. Everybody at the salon is very nice, great atmosphere they become like family after going for so long. I love love Nails 88 and I will not go anywhere else!

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