Nail Spa w Euless

Stany ZjednoczoneNail Spa



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3001, Texas 121, 76039, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-494-9955
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8797446, Longitude: -97.1013152

komentarze 5

  • Chelsea Galloway

    Chelsea Galloway


    So we went to this nail spot next door. They were rude, had an hour wait, and they were racists. This was a breath of fresh hair, is was 20% cheaper with 100% better customer service. Their team had genuine smiles and laughter, we got lit and cute at the same time.

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    Merylin Weidenhof


    You should definitely go to Lucy and tracy they did my nails very good friendly and great service from a 9 year old

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    jolita carr


    So I’ve been here twice and both times were terrible. The first time I literally just told the lady to stop doing my nails and I would wait for another nail tech. The second time she basically slapped some nail polish on my hand and sent me on my way. I couldn’t tell the paint job was terrible until I was in the sunlight and my nails were really dry. I wouldn’t recommend this place to anyone, & I only went here because my usual nail tech is on vacay and I was desperate. Never again.

  • shinycquin



    Only star because I have to choose at least one star. They don’t even deserve that! Had I not stood up and told her to just stop, she would have filed off all my nails to a stub! She hacked away at my dry cuticles and got upset when I asked if she was going to use cuticle remover gel. She then dips her finger in water and rubs it across my nail. That’s when I stood up and said I would pay for what little she had done. Another thing that pissed me off was her filing my nails on right hand to a stub. I asked her repeatedly not to file them down since I have grown them out and I file them as needed and didn’t want them shortened down. So I went from pretty long nails to a stub. She didn’t get to the touch the right hand becaue I stopped her. (She only filed my middle finger nail so now that’s short compared to other fingers) I’m disappointed and hurt. I would never recommend these people. I should have waited until my regular place was open! Yes, nails grow back...but mine have never been this long and here she hacked them off! I should have read the reviews on here before walking in. I’m so upset 😭

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    Vanessa Williams


    I went there with a best friend this past Sunday and got the $36 deluxe pedicure. We went there based on recommendations and decided to check the place out. Upon getting there it took a few minutes to get greeted and settled in. The lady got my pedicure tub going however they were struggling to turn on the chair so that the spa can work for my friends pedicure. We were asking about the services they provide and the complimentary drink and we were given a dry response as to we "can't give you any wine or any alcohol as it's not 12 p.m. yet. " nail course that's completely understandable however after it's while we were only given a small water bottle and not offered anything else. So after a few minutes later they moved my friend over to another chair so they can get her pedicure started to a chair that did work. From the beginning the services were terrible and they were very harsh on our feet. My friend even had nail polish from the last time she had a pedi still showing and they did not do any effort to fix it. We went back to show the manager the services we paid for were not given as my nail polish looked like a 5 year old did it and my friend still had dead skin that was not removed. She said she would give us a call and handle the situation. She called me later today and said because she spoke to the women that did our services, and they claimed they felt they did nothing wrong, she could not further assist us and still charged for services and a tip for themselves!!! Do not go here. This is definitely not worth the $$$ !

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