Nail and Spa Story w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNail and Spa Story



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1286, Clove Road, 10301, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-442-7675
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6154655, Longitude: -74.1032839

komentarze 5

  • en

    Borgella Francios


    Got my eyebrows done a few weeks ago & they laterally ripped my skin off, now I have a scar in my face that I'm hoping goes away, i would not recommend for eyebrows, however i went back today for a mani & pedi and it came out nice

  • Heather-Ann Schaeffner

    Heather-Ann Schaeffner


    Hands down the best pedicure I've ever had. Manicure was great too. Place was busy but they take appointments.

  • en

    Karina Apaez


    Very nice people and Im a very picky person but I always love how they do my manicures !

  • en

    Nat S


    Wonderful salon and stuff are always welcoming!!!!! Been coming here for long time and my nails always look good!!! Thank you guys!

  • Nirel Escalante

    Nirel Escalante


    Came here for a manicure and pedicure. The pedicure was good all though to my disappointment the massage chair didn't work and didn't recline, so I was a little uncomfortable. The lady who did my manicure seemed all over the place and was not focused on my nails. She was talking on her personal cell phone at least 3 times as well while she was doing my nails. She seemed very frustrated because she messed up 3 of my nails for rushing and not giving enough time for them to dry before massaging my hands. She kept muttering under her breath and it was very obvious that she just wanted to get it over with. When everything was done, she said jokingly "next time do gel instead, powder too hard" (i did sns powder). Looking at the finished product, it came out decent even though several of my nails are messed up (scratches and dents) I could rant on about so many other things (She was not careful with filing my nails, wasn't always paying attention to what she was doing, unorganized, and kept taking breaks from me to do other things like cashier, answering phones and including her cellphone). She ended up rushing more towards the end because she had a client who was here for her and was not done with me yet. Everything in total was 55 for a pedicure and sns manicure which did not seem worth it honestly. I'm sure that this place isn't bad however if i ever do come back i will make sure to avoid that lady.

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