MyArt Carmel i Carmel

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841, South Rangeline Road, 46032, Carmel, Hamilton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 463-466-5366
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Latitude: 39.9681081, Longitude: -86.1264106

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Fisher

    Nicole Fisher


    My 7 year old daughter started taking art classes and she loves the interaction and projects! The communication from the owner is outstanding; she is thorough, timely and very caring. We are so excited to have found MyArt!

  • Sarah Ely

    Sarah Ely


    My 9 year old loves doing art here! She likes that she can select a project from *many* in the drawers, get some pointers from the teachers, but overall add her own uniqueness to her project pieces! It has been very therapeutic for her. Miss Sylvia, the business owner, has been kind & helpful.

  • Lauryn Hildebrand

    Lauryn Hildebrand


    Hey all! This was our first summer trying MyArt -Carmel for an art program for our elementary child. We’re super disappointed, the staff is super sullen and very rude. Normally I’d appreciate short communication- but not for young students! My daughter begged to quit after the first day and this is someone who loves art and has enjoyed many other programs! We definitely won’t be going back! Kiln Creations is much better value, more art projects with more mediums, and a happy staff!

  • Brie ORourke

    Brie ORourke


    My children did not enjoy this painting class. They felt that the instructors did not like children and they had very little patience with them. One instructor even huffed as she came around to my son's canvas. This may be children's interpretation, but that is how they feel. If you want a pretty cheap babysitting service for a Friday night, this is your place. If you want your children to have a fun painting experience, go somewhere else.

  • Nancy



    Our daughter has been a student at Myart with Ms Sylvia for at least the last 7 to 8 years. She loves it. Her drawings have improved beyond our expectations. Even more importantly drawing, painting and art in general have become a passion for our child. Classes at Myart started with step by step instruction and as she’s progressed she’s gradually work towards more independent drawing with teacher support. As she’s grown up we’ve done many different sports and activities, but Myart is the one thing they stayed constant throughout her school career.

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