My Little Rascals i Islip

Forenede StaterMy Little Rascals



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454, Main Street, 11751, Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-581-1390
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Latitude: 40.7286769, Longitude: -73.214986

kommentar 5

  • Erica Herman

    Erica Herman


    Dottie was a pleasure, she was super helpful and patient when my 6 month old was trying on the outfits. She helped to complete his look with various accessories also. They have a great selection and have both very intricate and decent prices items. Would definitely shop here again! I searched for a christening outfit high and low from Lake Grove to Mineola and this shop by far has the best outfits and prices.

  • Erin Daly

    Erin Daly


    The store is the best children store on Long Island they have the most beautiful clothing for little ones but especially for christening dresses simply a gem of a store

  • en

    Karla Leite


    Amazing! We went for my daughter's Christening dress and to say I was impressed is an understatement. Not just the dresses were amazing but the help given was excellent. She was so patient and helpful. I highly recommend!!!

  • Marissa Krause

    Marissa Krause


    Dottie is amazing. She let me shop around the store for an hour picking out different flower girl dresses and talking to me about styles. She went on the dress maker's website to look up alternative dresses for me that matched the style flower girl dress I was looking for. Then she called the dress supplier immediately to see if the dresses I was looking at would arrive on time for my wedding, as I waited longer than I should have to pick out dresses. On top of all that she ordered a dress over night that I wanted just to have in store the next day for the flower girls to try on when we were scheduled to come in (during after hours that she stayed open late just for us) and it ended up being the one we chose!! Dottie and Little Rascals are the best. Support small business and shop local!!! Will definitely recommend them.

  • Melissa Gearity Pabon

    Melissa Gearity Pabon


    OMG i could loose my mind and go bankrupt in this store! Bought a beautiful coat for my daughter to wear over her baptism gown and the most beautiful headband for her to wear to the luncheon. Ladies in there were so sweet, helpful and fun!

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