My Kid's Dentist & Orthodontics w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneMy Kid's Dentist & Orthodontics



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3400, Texas Sage Trail, 76177, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-750-5437
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9117815, Longitude: -97.3080709

komentarze 5

  • Cara Whitley

    Cara Whitley


    My kids (3yr and 2yr) first trip to the dentist was today and Dr. Leela did a great job with my kids! Though the true hero was the dental assistance, she did an amazing job explaining everything from x-rays to the cleaning, she made it fun! Which also helped them cooperate better then expected. (I wished I remembered her name but I all I know if she was from Panama) I asked after the appt if they had fun and they said "Yes! I like the dentist!" I'm sure getting a toy and balloon at the end didn't hurt either! We will be back in six months!

  • en

    Trish Gorzycki


    The staff is wonderful, scheduling is flexible and the doctors are kind and patient with my kids.

  • en

    Michelle Mehrtens


    Dr Ferguson is great with kids. She has really taken the time to get to know my boys, and I very much appreciate that. My boys are actually excited to come to the dentist!

  • en

    Alissa Passariello


    We absolutely love Dr. Choy and the sweet ladies here. We have been patients here for the last few years and my sons teeth look amazing!!! Everything runs so smoothly with payments and insurance. So appreciative of this office and their awesome staff!

  • Sassy Tex

    Sassy Tex


    I would go negative if I could; when first going here, this place was a great experience, but in the year that we have been going there (my daughter with braces and my son with an expander, all to correct their cross bites) the customer service has been awful at best. I have had appointments cancelled without prior warning. I work hourly so this is a huge issue. Not to mention that they have repeatedly made follow up appointments knowing the doctor wouldn't be in the office. They seemed more concerned about making sure to get their teeth cleaned then getting their orthodontic needs met. The whole reason why we went there to begin with. After the umpteenth time of screwing up an appointment, I made it quite clear how angry I was and walked off with my kids in tow from the office. After paying a hefty fee on braces and an expander, this is the last thing that should be happening in any doctors office.

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