MVA Auto Collision i Ronkonkoma

Forenede StaterMVA Auto Collision



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40, Remington Boulevard, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-648-9810
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Latitude: 40.790559, Longitude: -73.1363949

kommentar 5

  • John Wade

    John Wade


    Mike and his team are the best in the business

  • en

    Anthony Chillini


    awesome shop when my vehicle was forced to go to a geico shop all the repairs were done very poorly and aftermarket parts were used on a brand new 2017 highlander we brought the car over to mva collision cause them came highly recomended for there quality of work the claim was reopened mva fixed the car correctly and me and mywife couldnt be more happier recomended to family and friends excellent work want the thank the entire staff at mva collision

  • en



    Absolutely horrible. The paint work was low quality, three weeks late, AND he wanted more money three quarters through the job. An old-school rip-off artist. There's a MUCH better shop right down the street, closer to Veteran's Highway.

  • michael chirello

    michael chirello


    Great shop excellent work bring all my vehicles there and family members also wouldn't go anywhere else

  • Forsaken 77

    Forsaken 77


    I have taken my Infiniti G35, which is in immaculate condition, to MVA Auto Body about 6 different times. It seems my car is a magnet for people to hit me cutting through parking lot spaces (them, not me). Anyway, the work has ALWAYS been flawless. I also had family members take their cars to them and the results were spot on. Always ask to speak with Mike. He's a great guy and is the owner of the place. So you get your info right from the horses mouth. He's a professional painter and does everything & anything to make sure the customer is happy when they leave.

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