Musical Instrument Museum w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneMusical Instrument Museum



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4725, East Mayo Boulevard, 85050, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-478-6000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6679904, Longitude: -111.9782969

komentarze 5

  • Walt Bankes

    Walt Bankes


    We spent over five hours here and would have stayed longer if we had more stamina. EXCELLENT museum! They provided surprisingly good headphones that automatically communicated with the video screen closest you. So much information and so well presented. They also have an excellent cafeteria - yum. Good gift shop. too.

  • Janine Huffman

    Janine Huffman


    Amazing experience. We had a day to kill in the area and decided to check this place out based on the Trip Advisor ratings. We were not disappoint! We spent hours touring the different areas of the world and learning about their music. There is something for everyone here, from professional musicians to school children. Definitely one of the coolest and most interactive museums I have ever been to. Highly recommend.

  • Morgan Douglas

    Morgan Douglas


    This place is one of the best museums I have ever been too. It showcased instruments from all over the world. One of the best parts was where I got to see an Alice Cooper exhibit. I even got to buy a ukulele from the gift shop. If I could, I would come here every day. We need more museums like this in Chicago. I enjoyed my first visit here so much I didn’t want to leave.

  • Pavel Sidakov

    Pavel Sidakov


    It's a great place for audiophiles. The museum covers a variety of musical instruments grouped by some class, such as country of origin, musical style, special characteristic. You have an opportunity to watch and listen to a little sample of audio-video alongside the instrument exhibit. I've also heard from a friend that the performers they bring in for the concerts/shows are quite delightful. I saw ancient Chinese musical instrument exhibit, which while interesting didn't hold my attention for long. It's a great place to spend some time exploring with friends, which can be a bit boring after a while.

  • Jacqueline Hufford-Jensen

    Jacqueline Hufford-Jensen


    A very unusual and beautiful museum. It really has a yearning for anyone who has any passion at all for music however if you are a music lover, guitar lover, etc, run do not walk to get to this amazing place. I have been twice to this museum, once for a beautiful wedding of a friend which we were able to peruse two of the rooms then again recently for a reception in which we were able to see an Asian inspired music room. All three were remarkable and worth another visit not to mention to check out the numerous remaining rooms that I haven't checked out ... yet!

najbliższy Muzeum

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