Mundo Chico Pediatrics w Union City

Stany ZjednoczoneMundo Chico Pediatrics


brak informacji

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1617, Bergenline Avenue, 07087, Union City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-590-9490
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7629755, Longitude: -74.035764

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Cruz


    Office is trash the receptionist are rude and dumb and they made me wait for 3 hours with a newborn when there was sick kids all around. Medical assistant had to let them know that newborns are taken in right away. Never went back!

  • en

    Sarai Caycedo


    I have had terrible experiences with this pediatrics office. First the wait to see the doctor is always ridiculously long regardless if you have an appointment or not, so be ready to spend your day here. Secondly, I was extremely disappointed with how " Money Hungry" this pediatrics office is..... I needed a letter from them stating my son's Full name and Date of Birth.. As a patient there, you would expect for this simple documentation to be free or at least $5.. But NO, they charged me $30! for a simple single piece of paper with their logo, and it was NOT even Notarized nor was it printed in color! ... I tried to fight them on this, to tell them that this is ridiculous and the doctor herself had given me a horrible attitude, saying " Well if you're not going to pay the $30 I guess you do not need it that bad!" WHAT A RUDE response . I left there and immediately starting looking for a new doctor to take my son to.

  • Geraldine Huerta

    Geraldine Huerta


    Es muy buena la atención y con el amor que la doctora atiende a sus pacientes , hacen um excelente trabajo es mas si tu hijo esta en una emergecia te atienden asi ya no estes en el horario ☺

  • es

    Paola Perez


    Eso es mentira de que atienden despues de 2:30. Ami me atendieron. Rapido. Y muy eficientes todo el equipo y si. Algunos. Los. Atienden. Despues. Es por que. No llegan a tiempo. Entonse no quieran que llegando. Los. Atiendan. Todos. Estamos. En una linea y hay que. Aprender a tener paciencia. Comprendo. Que con niños. Es imposible. Pero. No hay de otra. Asi es en esta vida

  • en

    Alexandra Galano


    I absolutely love Dr. Rodriguez. She is one of the best doctors I have seen in a long time. The entire staff is so friendly, they make you feel like family. All of my questions were answered. I moved from out of state and they were very thorough about obtaining my baby's medical history. I wished all doctor's could be as passionate about what they do as Dr. Rodriguez is. As a new parent, I am relieved because I know my baby has the best medical care. I would recommend Mundo Chico Pediatrics to any parent.

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