Mrs. Fields i Carson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMrs. Fields



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20700, Avalon Boulevard, 90746, Carson, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 310-324-4682
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Latitude: 33.8439058, Longitude: -118.2609355

kommentar 5

  • Briana Martinez

    Briana Martinez


    Ordered online the day before only to be told my order hadn't even been placed when i went back on the site I'm suddenly told the time i originally picked wasn't available anymore after it had already been confirmed would have been fine if i had received some sort of email but i wasn't given any notice the worst

  • Alfredo Jimenez

    Alfredo Jimenez


    Mrs. Fields cookies are great but make sure to double check that your order is complete when you get the Nibblers gift tin box. I ordered the 24 count and the guy first told me it only came with 20 cookies, he then said he made a mistake, that it was actually 24 and he made sure to include 24. Skeptical, I counted them and it was 22. Don't trust people to do basic math, count your cookies folks.

  • Marydee MAllARI (Malldoll)

    Marydee MAllARI (Malldoll)


    I'm so happy this place still exist. The best classic cookies and coffee. My sons love the visits like I did when I was a kid.

  • JIMMY A Mummert

    JIMMY A Mummert


    Mark Hoffman you know you're done tonight I can take care of yourself you're not investigating me anymore you're wearing a green shirt and black pants for walking down the street so long so I can hear on 6th Street going towards Broadway goodbye now all my Cooter's from the VA that I trained special forces in Communications and lives life support for our veterans and are Americans we have Hell's Angels hear the Ku Klux klan's in taken out we have an Indian Resort we have called color we are Caribbeans we are belizeans trinidadians Ethiopians and we are Ledger's we provide money everyday for you American Heart Association X anyhow I need all my keyboard together it's one company now I need all the ice cream push through the small plastic rappers that have labels on them called mrs. Fields cookies are jet cream ice cream this is one of my wrapping packing and expansion for the now Network so let's get ready guys everybody get ready to get up and let's go straight to Zaxby's

  • Janice Claritine

    Janice Claritine


    Someone said MF was not there anymore.... yes they are. Mrs Fields is my favorite cookie of all time and this is one of the better stores. The cookies are always totally fresh and the people working there are really nice. Plus, the Carson mall is a great mall for comfort, quality and people watching.

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