Mr. Chimney en Mamaroneck

Estados UnidosMr. Chimney



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529, Rockland Avenue, 10543, Mamaroneck, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-777-8200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.94667, Longitude: -73.746545

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kenneth Wong


    I rarely write reviews, but these guys came and did all the work in a very clean, professional mannered and probably had a whole list of protocol they followed for construction related work. Lots of drilling, tarping and roof climbing at my house and I was happy with the way work is conducted and left my house broom clean. I installed a metal flue and all seems good so far. I wish all the contractors I hired were like that. The estimator and central office called me to give me updates often enough and with enough lead time should things go wrong mid-way. That seemed pretty well organized.

  • en

    Christian Wertenbaker


    Very good service. Started and finished on time.

  • Do It All Contractors

    Do It All Contractors


    Called Mr. Chimney for a customer of mine where I was doing some renovations. Savanah in the office was very nice and accommodating when booking my appointment. Love that they are a family run business. The owner Howie and nephew Adam came out and did a very thorough inspection of the fireplaces and chimney and found many issues that had to be addressed. They really know their stuff. The guys came to do the work and left the house cleaner then when they arrived. I have had a few bad experiences in the past with other chimney companies, but Mr. Chimney really did a great job. Will only use them in the future! Thanks for everything.

  • Alexsis Johnson

    Alexsis Johnson


    I just moved into a new apartment with a non-functioning fire place and thought that I wouldn't have to do any maintenance for the chimney/fireplace etc. After a few weeks of intense sneezing/ allergies it became clear (after testing nearly everything else in the apartment) that it was the dirty fireplace and we called Mr. Chimney to come clean it. The prices were very reasonable and they took extra care in their cleaning because they knew the chimney was affecting my allergies. They were fast, affordable, and friendly. Would certainly recommend them again!

  • Cody Conard

    Cody Conard


    Mr Chimney is great!! We had a problem with our fireplace during a party, and the room filled up with smoke!! The next day we set up an appointment with Mr Chimney, and they came right out and fixed it! No more smoke! We now use them for chimney cleaning, and couldn't be more happy with the job they do. Great service and extremely reasonable prices. I'll definitely go to them and only them should I ever have another problem again! :)

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