Mox Multisport w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneMox Multisport



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648, West Randolph Street, 60661, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 312-466-9111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8847792, Longitude: -87.6447696

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brady Merchant


    Amazing staff and service. Their goal is to get you on the right bike.

  • Adam Dilla

    Adam Dilla


    Although they clearly specialize in racing bikes and triathletes, they had no problem helping me service and provide gear recommendations for me and my standard fixed-gear. The people I've encountered have been friendly, helpful, and genuinely passionate about bikes and cycling. They don't try to upsell you, and they'll offer their best advice even if it means you spend less money. I've found that some other specialty shops turn their nose up or offer substandard service when you walk in with a non-impressive ride, but I can happily say this is not true with Mox. I can't recommend this place highly enough: 5 stars! (ps. thanks, Scott!)

  • Ivee L

    Ivee L


    PJ is great! You can tell he is an enthusiast, he would help you as much as he can even though he might not end up making a sell. We went in there to just shop around for bikes, he taught us newbies so much about everything. We ended up coming back to order bikes through him. He was so patience and friendly with some of our silliest questions since we have never biked in the city among traffics before. Unfortunately, PJ wasn't there on the day of picking up bikes. The younger guy was a pretty terrible sales person; there's nothing wrong about it. I just thought it was funny compared to PJ, I am sure he is a great person and really good at fixing/building bikes. Don't go on Wed, PJ is off :P

  • en

    Alaina Akcakaya


    PJ helped me set up my new bike today. He was very kind and knowledgeable. If you're shopping for a new bike ask for PJ!

  • Michael khrin

    Michael khrin


    Mox Multisport is the best bike shop that I have ever been to. The staff are nice and are really helpful on getting me equipment I need. Unlike other bike shops, Mox values each and every customer and does not charge them for the smallest things or talk trash because they like fixed gears better than any other bikes. I fixed broken hanger here and replaced my rear derailleur and they charged me no more than they needed to and got me riding in less than 3 days. Next time I came here was to buy shoes. They had a good selection but none fit me well. I asked them if they can get me Northwave extreme rr and the said yes. They are the only bike shop to order those for me. They came in and I purchased them. I also needed the cleats which they sold for cheaper than any other shop in the city and put them on the shoes at no charge! I also got 2 jerseys and shorts. One of the jerseys was $180 which he gave to me for $100 and the other one that was $80 for free, but then shorts costed $180. I walked out happy and I will do all my tune ups and buy all my gear here from now on even if I have to travel 2 miles from my house to do so.

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