Mow & Grow Landscaping i Rockville Centre

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75, Cumberland Street, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-536-8053
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Latitude: 40.656339, Longitude: -73.629812

kommentar 1

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    Paddy O'Day


    I used this company for a bit and they were okay, then came "cleanup". After I saw that he left behind piles of leaves throughout my front lawn, I sent him a note voicing my displeasure along with payment. He called and said he would fix it. I waited for a while for him to make good on his less than satisfactory job.. Then I called him and he denied having knowledge of my dissatisfaction ( I guess he forgot calling me). He then said he had been busy for weeks with other jobs. Its seems like this company is better at cashing customers checks than they are at mowing and growing........

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