Move-it 4 Less w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMove-it 4 Less



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185, Claremont Avenue, 10027, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-531-1535
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8146886, Longitude: -73.9606673

komentarze 5

  • Vincent Price

    Vincent Price


    The team Petros sent was great! Very friendly, super fast and really, really thoughtful. They helped me put my son's crib together too on the other side. This was purchased as a Big Deal, and I didn't end up saving as much as I hoped... HOWEVER, the quality was so amazing that it was worth every penny. Peace of mind is definitely worth that.

  • Anna ny

    Anna ny


    These guys showed up to our apartment at 8:30 am with the best attitude ready to get us to where we wanted to be. They wasted no time and were professional and respectful of your property. All you have to do is your part and packing in advance and things will go most smoothly. Sadiqi and his team never took breaks and were about the business, so they earned the tips for sure. Moved was completed end to end in around 4 hours

  • Nicole Straube

    Nicole Straube


    I am very happy with this deal I got through Angie's List. Petros from Move-It-4-Less was in immediate contact with me after I purchased the deal (3 hours moving services for $279, extra time was ~$125/hour) and was able to schedule me within my desired time range. The movers arrived at the unit on time, were professional, and tried their best to be cautious when moving our things - something the previous movers we had did not do which resulted in some damage to our belongings. They were also responsive and careful when moving the furniture about at our house, as we had just had the floors redone. The total price for the work was about half that of what we paid for approximately the same amount of time when we moved our things into storage - and the Move-It-4-Less guys were much more professional and careful. A great deal

  • Kate Nicolai

    Kate Nicolai


    This was the BEST moving experience we have ever had, and we are seasoned movers. Pedros, the owner, was always available by phone or email, and always answered our questions with no hurry or complaint. He charged the most reasonable price - - we realize now that we were ripped off very badly when we moved last time as we compared price, attitude of the movers, promptness, and quality of work. Three movers arrived on time, which is no small feat when you consider the traffic in midtown Manhattan. We could not believe how quickly they worked and how well they worked together. They had our large one bedroom apartment packed and moved in no time - it was honestly the best and most efficient work of movers we have seen. We moved to a walk up, and received no complaints nor problem as our new apartment was much smaller and they were gracious enough to consider the smallness of our new place and did their best to make sure we could maneuver around boxes and furniture. Also, our furniture is very heavy and some pieces quite large - still not one complaint as they went up and down the stairs just hard work and good attitude. We would definitely use Move-It 4 Less again, and would highly recommend them to any and everyone. Pedros even called after our move to make sure we were happy - that does not happen often and was much appreciated by us. As we said, the best!

  • Sindy smith

    Sindy smith


    These guys were the best! Helpful , fast and respectful of our belongings. We will use them each time we move and will refer everyone. Great job! Thanks guys!

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