Mountain View Pest Control w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneMountain View Pest Control



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550, Elm Drive, 89169, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-568-1857
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1231198, Longitude: -115.1513463

komentarze 1

  • en

    Christopher Kronen


    Work performed on 06/07/2011. I contacted Mountain View Pest Control in late May 2011 regarding a problem I had with pigeons regularly nesting and creating their associated annoying mess on the narrow roof overhang at the side of my house. I arranged for Alan to come out, have a look and give me an estimate a few days later. As recommended, I subsequently scheduled to have the affected section of my roof and area below cleaned/power washed and then have metal spikes glued onto the concrete shingles of my roof to prevent pigeon landings/nesting in the future. The total estimated cost for this was $289.00 (estimated 33 spikes to be placed). As promised, I was contacted the day before this job was actually performed and everything went smoothly, as expected. Cleaning and spike placement took about 1 hour. I did experience a positive financial surprise in that the job ended up costing less than estimated, only $250.00 since not as many spikes were needed as originally expected. I have waited a bit before posting a review on Angie's List to see whether or not this passive type of pigeon deterrent would actually do the job. It does; it works like a charm. I have had absolutely no more pigeon dropping cleanup/nesting problems since this job was professionally completed on 06/07/2011. Description of work: Pigeon control was performed consisting of cleanup/power washing and then gluing metal spikes onto the concrete tiles of the affected area of my roof to prevent future landings of these dear little birds and the presents that they regularly deposit. Estimated cost was $289.00 for an expected metal 33 spikes needed. The job only cost $250.00 since fewer spikes were used.

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