Moto-i i Minneapolis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMoto-i



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2940, Lyndale Avenue South, 55408, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 612-821-6262
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.948685, Longitude: -93.2883259

kommentar 5

  • Duncan Sullivan

    Duncan Sullivan


    Of all ramen I've tried, this was by far the best. It may perhaps not be the most authentic, but their selection of Japanese food options is great.

  • Joe Holmes

    Joe Holmes


    Didn't know how much I liked sake and this place brews their own! Pork buns and ramen were good too.

  • Zee McGee

    Zee McGee


    If you want to really experience the vibe of Uptown locals this place always has it. Laid back during the day, with a chill rooftop. The food is always good, though doesn't have an authentic Japanese flair.

  • en

    matt ichi


    Love this place, love the vibe/atmosphere, it's awesome to choose between the three levels (each floor has it's own groove to it) drinks are good, food is good, I think the jfc wings are awesome but too over priced... But what can you do... Open mic night is awesome! There is actually amazing talent preforming in an awesome intimate atmosphere. Karaoke night also fun. All around a great place to chill with friends or get a bite to eat.

  • Wesley Horning

    Wesley Horning


    Our server, Joe, was fantastic! Very knowledgeable about the menu! The food is great, sake cocktails while not on special are wonderful! I had the AK 12 sake, very light n fruity which was what I was going for. My better half had a frostbite fizz which was just delightful! A Lil lemon taste and very unique! I would highly recommend this location for anyone looking for a taste of something different

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