Motel 6 Phoenix Airport - 24th Street i Phoenix

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Forenede StaterMotel 6 Phoenix Airport - 24th Street



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214, South 24th Street, 85034, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 602-244-1155
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.445138, Longitude: -112.030852

kommentar 5

  • Adam Powell

    Adam Powell


    Great place if you love noise! Right at the end of the Phoenix airport runway, 20 yards from a busy railroad crossing with trains blasting their horns every hour all night long, dumpsters emptying at 5 AM with loud crashes. My room door frame was bent and the door didn't seal so it sounded inside just like it did outside. And my non smoking room smelled like someone had just smoked in it. Walking back from the pool took me across the parking lot so my feet tracked black mud into the room. On the bright side, the staff were friendly, polite and helpful, and the cold pool was refreshing in the Arizona heat.

  • Elinor Loftin

    Elinor Loftin


    I love this place! The folks who work here, including housekeepers, maintenance people, gardeners, poolkeepers and desk clerks are courteous, friendly, helpful and just plain nice. The airplane noise and train activity stops well before midnight and is not really a bother unless you want it to be. The rooms are updated and are fresh and clean. Our family rented 3 rooms for one night, but ended staying 3 nights because it was so pleasant. If you want a resort with all the amenities look elsewhere and pay 5 times as much. Motel 6 is geared to those of us who are much more practical. Thank you Motel 6!

  • en

    Kelly Smith


    THANK YOU SO MUCH... You are one of the only hotels that allowed me to stay with my daughter's 3 pets. I had to put the pets on a plane at 3:00 am for a flight to Hawaii and no other hotels were willing to work with me. You all did. The room was perfect with the wood laminate floors and you were even able to give me a ground floor as requested. THANK YOU.

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    Don Cartier


    My room smelled like cigarettes--and there were stains on the floor. It felt icky being there. I went to get a cup of water and there was this mold that collected on the cup.It looked clean but when I walked around with my socks off I felt dust particles collect on my feet. I cannot pinpoint it, but something about that room felt "icky." I work downtown, and sometimes when I am too tired to drive back home to the west valley, I book a room. Ive stayed in your place before. Sometimes, I pay for my clients to stay in your place as well

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    Leonard LE BLANC


    Outstanding! I arrived at 10:15AM since I was done with my business meeting. The staff told me check-in wasn't until 3:00PM and the hotel was fully booked. They needed time to clean all the rooms. I was waiting outside with my ride doing some paperwork for about 15 minutes and the manager came out and explained they had cleaned a room for me and I could move in now and not wait in the hot desert sun. THAT is outstanding customer service! The manager and front desk persons should be commended.

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